- Daar word verwag om dubbele druk op die mark aan die einde van die maand te sien, en die lokoprys van vlekvrye staalpype sal aanhou los
- Wat is die verskil tussen vlekvrye staal sweiswerk en vlekvrye staal naatlose pyp
- Die lokomark vir 310S vlekvrye staalpype verskuif geleidelik van sterk verwagtinge na swak werklikheid
- Toepassing en vooruitsigte van vlekvrye staalmateriale in motorvervaardiging
- 2507 vlekvrye staal naatlose pyppryse het tydelik opgehou val, maar 'n swak terugslag moet oorweeg word vir behandeling
- Alhoewel daar planne is om produksie by die vlekvrye staal naatlose pypfabriek in April te verminder, die algehele produksieskedule is steeds op 'n hoë vlak
- 14-16 Junie 2023 Tube China – Internasionale Tube & Pyp Industry Trade Fair Stand:W4-2D20, welkom kom kuier!
- Die huidige voorraad van vlekvrye staalpype is steeds in 'n historiese posisie en toon 'n voortdurende neiging van voorraadvermindering
- Higiëniese graad vlekvrye staal pype het steeds ossillasies en swak terugslag aanpassings wat versigtigheid vereis tydens werking
- 304L vlekvrye staal naatlose pypmarkmentaliteit is geneig om lomp te wees, termynkontrakte wissel en daal
- What is stainless steel pipe/stainless steel tube?
- The speed of destocking is lower than the same period in previous years, and the release of demand for 2507 stainless steel pipes is suppressed
- Currently, the market for 2520 stainless steel tubes is in the peak consumption season, not due to the intensification of supply and demand contradictions
- In the first half of the year, it is still difficult to see the rapid rise and fall of 904L stainless steel pipes in a short period of time
- Terminal replenishment is still cautious. There is still a period of volatility in the price of stainless steel tubes in the market for replenishment
- The supply of seamless stainless steel tubes continues to increase, and the apparent demand starts up. Limited merchants are cautious in replenishment
- The related indicators of the stainless steel pipe market have generally improved, and the domestic demand has also improved accordingly
- Sanitary-grade stainless steel pipe merchants are in a high mood to replenish the warehouse, and steel mills are returning to work and production
- ASTM A312 Stainless Steel Pipe Specifications
- It is expected that the price of stainless steel welded pipe will continue to fluctuate slightly in the short term