- What are the processing quality requirements of stainless steel pipe manufacturers?
- 2507 vlekvrye staal naatlose pyppryse het tydelik opgehou val, maar 'n swak terugslag moet oorweeg word vir behandeling
- Die huidige voorraad van vlekvrye staalpype is steeds in 'n historiese posisie en toon 'n voortdurende neiging van voorraadvermindering
- Higiëniese graad vlekvrye staal pype het steeds ossillasies en swak terugslag aanpassings wat versigtigheid vereis tydens werking
- Terminal replenishment is still cautious. There is still a period of volatility in the price of stainless steel tubes in the market for replenishment
- The price of sanitary stainless steel pipe is mainly flexible and the short-term market is still weak
- The spot market price of sanitary stainless steel tubes continues to rise under the expectation of a variety of policies