- Millised on roostevabast terasest torude tootjate töötlemise kvaliteedinõuded?
- 2507 roostevabast terasest õmblusteta torude hinnad on ajutiselt langenud, kuid ravi puhul tuleb arvestada nõrga tagasilöögiga
- The current inventory of stainless steel pipes is still in a historical position and showing a continuous trend of destocking
- Hygienic grade stainless steel pipes still have oscillations and weak rebound adjustments that require caution during operation
- Terminal replenishment is still cautious. There is still a period of volatility in the price of stainless steel tubes in the market for replenishment
- The price of sanitary stainless steel pipe is mainly flexible and the short-term market is still weak
- Sanitaartehniliste roostevabast terasest torude hetketuru hind tõuseb jätkuvalt erinevate poliitikate ootuses