
Actualités commerciales

Market Analysis of 904L Stainless Steel Pipe

Today, the overall 904L stainless steel pipe market is stable and rising, while the overall market transaction is weak. Affected by the fluctuations in the market, merchants report poor shipments. Despite the red end of the trading day, sentiment was mostly cautious, speculative demand was low, and terminals purchased on demand, with no significant increase.

Todays 904L tuyau en acier inoxydable market has many topics around supply and demand.

From the perspective of supply, it is rumored that this years crude steel production regulation policy will be officially released in April. However, based on the economic situation of this years recovery and the policy direction of not implementing « one size fits all » in recent years, there is a high probability of not conducting direct administrative intervention. However, regardless of the intensity of production control, there is a certain negative impact on raw materials in the short term, and 904L stainless steel pipes may also be affected by raw materials. However, in the medium to long term, it is still beneficial to reduce the supply of 904L stainless steel pipes, which is beneficial to the steel price. In the past two months, the production of crude steel, acier, and molten iron has almost exceeded expectations, resulting in a slowdown in the speed of stock reduction, and an increase in the inventory of local steel plants, increasing the pressure on orders in April. In particular, several steel varieties have experienced a state of « high settlement prices and low selling prices », and steel trade has experienced inverted losses, which is not conducive to price stability.

From a demand perspective, the periodic demand for 904L stainless steel pipes has fallen back, as evidenced by the relaxation of inventory replenishment and epidemic prevention policies after the year. The centralized release of demand has lagged behind. The transaction volume of the 904L stainless steel pipe market, the construction intensity of the construction industry, and the cement shipment volume have all weakened to a certain extent, which is considered to be highly limited in April, with little room for improvement. However, at present, demand and supply are two-way changes, and are also greatly affected by macro, capital and market sentiment. The return of fundamentals has not yet affected the entire price deduction process, and the repair of demand also requires downstream profitability improvement and profit return. Soon into the second quarter, the market is expected to see a significant year-on-year improvement in economic data and an increase in market confidence.

904L stainless steel pipe price forecast

Judging from the current operating situation of the 904L stainless steel pipe market, the two markets have shown a trend of shock and recovery after a rapid decline last week. À l'heure actuelle, the feedback from the 904L stainless steel pipe spot market is that it is difficult to rise, it is more difficult to pull up the shipment, it is unwilling to fall, and it does not have a sustained downward momentum. On the whole, it is still in a large range to maintain volatility. This reflects the current situation of the return of the market to the contradiction between supply and demand in the industry after the weakening of macro negative sentiment. However, the 904L stainless steel pipe market has a large divergence towards the upcoming second quarter in April, and both bearish and bullish directions are firm. In fact, this years demand for stable growth is out of sync with macro and industrial trends at home and abroad, making it difficult for extreme markets to experience sharp rises and falls. Au premier semestre, it is still difficult to see a rapid rise and fall in a short period of time. In the short term, there are still calls for tentative increases in shocks, but they have not deviated from large range shocks.


en direct:ericjiwz



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