Nerūdijančio plieno vamzdžiai yra ne tik skirtingų medžiagų, toks kaip 210 Nerūdijantis plienas, 304 Nerūdijantis plienas, 316 Nerūdijantis plienas, ir tt, bet taip pat turi nerūdijančio plieno suvirintus vamzdžius ir nerūdijančio plieno besiūlius vamzdžius. Yra tam tikras skirtumas tarp šių dviejų, tiesioginis skirtumas tarp siūlių ir besiūlių, bet tikrovėje, šiame procese yra didelis skirtumas.
Gamybos proceso temperatūra skiriasi. Nerūdijančio plieno besiūlių vamzdžių gamybos procesas yra išmušti skylę nerūdijančio plieno ruošinyje esant temperatūrai 2200 ° F. Esant tokiai aukštai temperatūrai, įrankių plienas tampa minkštas ir iš skylės susidaro spiralė štampuojant ir piešiant. Šio proceso metu pagamintų nerūdijančio plieno vamzdžių trūkumas yra tas, kad vamzdžių sienelių storis yra netolygus ir ekscentriškumas yra didelis.. Papildomai, the wall thickness difference of seamless pipes is larger than that of welded pipes. Stainless steel welded pipes are made from precise cold-rolled sheets, and this manufacturing process results in a very small tolerance on the wall thickness of the pipe, and the wall thickness of the entire circumference is very uniform. This is why welded pipes are better than seamless pipes.
Papildomai, there are differences in chemical composition between the two, as the steel composition for producing seamless pipes only meets the basic requirements of astm. The steel used in the production of welded pipes contains chemical components suitable for welding, such as silicon, sulfur, manganese, oxygen, and elements mixed with triangular ferrite in a certain proportion, which can produce a weld melt that is easy to transfer heat during the welding process, so that the entire weld seam is fully welded. Todėl, the manufacturing process requirements for welded pipes will be higher, and the cost will be higher. Steel pipes lacking the above chemical components will produce unstable factors, leading to quality problems in stainless steel pipes. Just like seamless pipes, various unstable factors may occur during the welding process, making it difficult to weld firmly and thoroughly. So for welded and seamless pipes, we need to have a certain understanding in order to make easy choices, because different manufacturing processes and steel requirements can lead to price differences, and certain judgments need to be made when purchasing. Foshan Hongguan Stainless Steel is a professional manufacturer of stainless steel pipes of various specifications, with a large stock warehouse to meet your urgent needs for goods.