310sStainlesssteel1.4845(UNS31008)Produksjon i Kina

Rustfritt stål

Stainless steel 310

Rustfritt stål 310 is an austenitic heat resistant alloy with phenomenal resistance to oxidation under mildly cyclic conditions through 2000ºF. Its nickel and high chromium contents provide similar corrosion resistance, superior resistance to oxidation and the retention of a larger fraction of room temperature strength than the common austenitic alloys like Type 304. Stainless 310 is frequently utilized at cryogenic temperatures, with excellent toughness to -450°F.temperatures, with excellent toughness to -450°F, and low magnetic permeability.

Stainless steel 310S

Stainless steel 310S is austenitic chromium, nickel stainless steel (.08% max carbon) with good oxidation resistance and strength at high temperatures. It resist oxidation in continuous service up to 2000ºF gave decreasing sulphur gasses are not present. It is additionally utilized for intermittent service at temperatures up to 1900°F due to it resists rescaling and has a low coefficient of expansion. This factor reduces the tendency of the steel to warp in heat service. 310s are same as 310 aside from lower carbon content to minimize carbide precipitation during welding.

310/310S Form

  • WIRE

Applications for 310/310S rustfritt stål

  • Olje- og gassindustrien
  • Apotekindustri
  • Tekstilindustri
  • Vannrørsystemer
  • Syre og kjemisk industri
  • Drikkevareindustrien
  • Raffinerianlegg
  • Bilindustri
  • Sementindustri
  • Næringsmiddelindustri
  • Papir- og tremasseindustri

Equivalents of grade 310/310S

SS 3101.4841S31000S31000310S2420Ch25N20S2X15CrNi25-20
SS 310S1.4845S31008SUS 310S310S1620Ch23N18X8CrNi25-21

Komposisjon ranges for 310/310S grade of stainless steel


Mekaniske egenskaper

KarakterStrekkstyrke (MPa) minYield Styrke 0.2% Proof (MPa) minForlengelse (% in 50mm) minHardhet
Rockwell B (HR B) maksBrinell (HB)
SS 3105152054095217
SS 310S5152054095217

 Fysiske egenskaper

KarakterTetthet (kg/m3)Elastic Modulus (GPa)Mean Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (m/m/0C)Termisk ledningsevne (W/m.K)Specific Heat 0-1000C (J/kg.K)Elektrisk resistivitet (n.m)
0-1000C0-3150C0-5380Cat 1000Cat 5000C
310 / 310S775020015.916.


310 / 310S stainless steel (1.4845) has excellent corrosion resistance at normal temperatures but is primarily designed to perform at high temperatures. In these high-temperature environments, 310 / 310S(1.4845) maintains very good corrosion resistance and also has exceptional resistance to; oxidizing and carburizing atmospheres and other forms of hot corrosion, up to a maximum dry air service temperature of 1100ºC. Other corrosive compounds such as water and sulphur compounds will significantly reduce the maximum service temperature.


Good resistance to oxidation in intermittent service in air at temperatures up to 1040°C and 1150°C in continuous service.

Good resistance to thermal fatigue and cyclic heating.

Widely used where sulphur dioxide gas is encountered at elevated temperatures.

Continuous use in 425-860°C range not recommended due to carbide precipitation, if subsequent aqueous corrosion resistance is needed

Generally used at temperatures starting from about 800 or 900°C – above the temperatures at which 304H and 321 are effective.

Heat Treatment

Heat Treatment Type 310/310S are solution annealed by heating to temperature range 1040 -1065°C, holding at temperature until thoroughly soaked, then water quenching.

Hot Working

After uniform heating to 2150 F (1177 C) most common hot work techniques can be successfully performed. Do not forge down 1800 F (982 C). Fast cooling is required to maximize corrosion resistance.

Cold Working

In spite of the fact that this alloy has a high work hardening rate, this alloy can be drawn, headed, upset and stamped. To remove internal stress full annealing is required after cold work.


1900-2050 F (1038-1121 C) water quench.


This alloy doesn’t reply to heat treatment. Cold work will cause an increase in both hardness and streng


Machinability Grades 310/310SS are similar in machinability to type 304. Work hardening can be a problem and it is normal to remove the work hardened layer by using slow speeds and heavy cuts, with sharp tools and good lubrication. Powerful machines and heavy, rigid tools are used.


Austenitic stainless steel is generally considered to be weldable

Generally considered to have weldability equivalent to 304 and 304L

Special consideration is needed to compensate for a higher coefficient of thermal expansion to avoid warping and distortion





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