

Rør i rustfritt stål er en vanlig ikke-standard komponent, and their cutting depth has a certain impact on processing quality, processing accuracy, and production costs.

The factors affecting cutting depth vary in different situations.

1. The impact of cutting depth on machining quality is relatively significant.

Usually, the greater the cutting depth, the higher the surface roughness of the processed product.

This is mainly due to the slower discharge speed of waste materials in cases of larger cutting depths,

The occurrence of problems such as temperature rise and chip deformation on the processed surface affects the machining accuracy and surface quality of the finished product.

Derfor, for special-shaped pipes that require high surface quality, it is necessary to control the cutting depth during the machining process to improve the surface quality of the processed products.

2. The influence of cutting depth on machining accuracy is also significant.

Usually, the greater the cutting depth, the greater the dimensional deviation of the processed product.

This is due to the concentration of heat on the machined surface when the cutting depth is large,

It is easy to cause the material of the workpiece to elongate or shrink, resulting in dimensional deviation of the processed product.

Derfor, it is necessary to control the cutting depth appropriately during high-precision machining to ensure the dimensional accuracy of the finished product.

3. The cutting depth also affects the production cost of stainless steel shaped pipes.

Usually, the deeper the cutting depth, jo mer tid og verktøyslitasje kreves for bearbeiding, resulterer i en tilsvarende økning i produksjonskostnadene.

Samtidig, når skjæredybden er stor, produksjonen av prosessavfall vil også øke, forverre miljøspørsmål.

Derfor, i produksjonsprosessen, det er nødvendig å grundig vurdere virkningen av skjæredybde på produksjonskostnadene basert på kravene til maskineringsnøyaktighet og overflatekvalitet, og bestemme passende maskineringsparametere.

oppsummert, cutting depth is an important factor affecting the processing quality, precision, and production cost of stainless steel special shaped pipe materials, and it needs to be appropriately controlled and adjusted during the production process. For ulike behandlingskrav og problemer som oppstår under behandlingen, forskjellige prosesseringsstrategier og -teknologier må tas i bruk for å sikre kvaliteten på bearbeidede produkter og forbedre produksjonseffektiviteten.





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