
Przemysłowy montaż rur ze stali nierdzewnej/

Stainless Steel Reducing Cross


Rozmiary:Seamless Pipe Equal Cross ( 1/2″ ~ 24 ″), Erw / Spawany / Fabricated Pipe Equal Cross (1/2″ ~ 48 ″)

Grubość : Harmonogram 5s, 10S, 20S, S10, S20, S30, Std, 40S, S40, S60, Xs, 80S, S80, S100, S120, S140, S160, XXS i itp.

StdASME/ANSI B16.9, MSS-SP-43 Typ A., MSS-SP-43 Typ B., Tylko B2312, JIS B2313, ASME B16.28

Grades&Przybory:ASTM A403 WP316/316L, ASTM A403 WP304/304L, ASTM A182 F316L, 304L, Z 1.4301, DIN1.4306, Z 1.4401, Z 1.4404, 304H, 309, 310, 316, 316L, 317L, 321, 347, 904L,ASTM A234, ASME SA234 WPB , WPBW, Wphy 42, Wphy 46, Wphy 52, Wph 60, Wphy 65 & Wphy 70. ASME SA234 WP1 / WP5 / WP9 / WP11 / WP22 / WP91, ASTM A815, ASME SA815 UNS No S31803, S32205,S32750, S32950, ASTM B336, ASME SB336, Nikiel 200 (Nas nie. NO2200), Nikiel 201 (Nas nie. N02201), Monel 400 (Nas nie. N04400), Monel 500 (Nas nie. N05500), Niewygod 800 (Nas nie. N08800), Niewygod 825 (Nas nie. N08825), Niewygod 600 (Nas nie. N06600), Niewygod 625 (Nas nie. N06625), Niewygod 601 (Nas nie. N06601), Hastelloy c 276 (Nas nie. N10276), Stop 20 (Nas nie. N08020), Tytan (Klasa I. & Ii), Cupro-Nickel 70/30, CUNI10FE1MN, CUNI30MN1FE.

Typ: Spawana (BW) / Bezszwowy / Spawany / Erw / Sfabrykowany

Z:Unequal Cross, Reducing Cross, Pipe Cross, Butt weld Unequal Cross.

Promień zginania : R = 1D - 10d, 15D, 20D

Powłoka / Obróbka powierzchniowaFarba antykorozyjna, Czarna farba olejna, Żółty przezroczysty, Ocynkowane, Cold and Hot Dip Galvanized

Connection Type:Buttwelding Fittings

Aplikacja: Pole Naftowe, Na morzu, System wodny, Okrętownictwo, Gaz ziemny, Elektryczność, Projekty rur itp.

Łoś: Wenzhou,Zhejiang

Standard:Ansi - b 16.9, ASTM A403 - ASME SA403 - „Standardowa specyfikacja kutego austenitycznego złączek rur nierdzewnych”, API 590-605, ASME B16.9-„Fabrycznie wykonane z kutego tyłki”, ASME B16.25 - „Endwelding kończy się”, ASME B16.28 - „Kute stalowe Buttwelding krótkie łokcie i zwroty”, MSS SP-43-„Wykreślające i sfabrykowane złączki do spopie, Zastosowania odporne na korozję ”

Pakiet: Standardowy pakiet eksportowy

Cena: 15~600usd

Dostawa: Ilość zgodna

  • Szczegóły produktu

A stainless steel reducing cross is a type of pipe fitting that allows for the connection of four pipes of different sizes. It has a cross-shaped design with one inlet and three outlets, each with a different diameter size. The reducing cross is made of stainless steel, which gives it excellent durability and corrosion resistance, making it suitable for use in harsh industrial environments. It is commonly used in piping systems that require the merging or splitting of fluid flow from multiple sources. The reducing cross is available in different sizes and configurations to meet specific application requirements.

Specifications of Reducing CrosS

Rozmiary Seamless Pipe Equal Cross ( 1/2″ ~ 24 ″), Erw / Spawany / Fabricated Pipe Equal Cross (1/2″ ~ 48 ″)
Standardy Ansi - b 16.9, ASTM A403 - ASME SA403 - „Standardowa specyfikacja kutego austenitycznego złączek rur nierdzewnych”, API 590-605, ASME B16.9-„Fabrycznie wykonane z kutego tyłki”, ASME B16.25 - „Endwelding kończy się”, ASME B16.28 - „Kute stalowe Buttwelding krótkie łokcie i zwroty”, MSS SP-43-„Wykreślające i sfabrykowane złączki do spopie, Zastosowania odporne na korozję ”
Wymiary ASME/ANSI B16.9, MSS-SP-43 Typ A., MSS-SP-43 Typ B., Tylko B2312, JIS B2313, ASME B16.28
Grubość Harmonogram 5s, 10S, 20S, S10, S20, S30, Std, 40S, S40, S60, Xs, 80S, S80, S100, S120, S140, S160, XXS i itp.
Promień zginania R = 1D - 10d, 15D, 20D


Z Unequal Cross, Reducing Cross, Pipe Cross, Butt weld Unequal Cross.
Grades&Przybory ASTM A403 WP316/316L, ASTM A403 WP304/304L, ASTM A182 F316L, 304L, Z 1.4301, DIN1.4306, Z 1.4401, Z 1.4404, 304H, 309, 310, 316, 316L, 317L, 321, 347, 904L,ASTM A234, ASME SA234 WPB , WPBW, Wphy 42, Wphy 46, Wphy 52, Wph 60, Wphy 65 & Wphy 70. ASME SA234 WP1 / WP5 / WP9 / WP11 / WP22 / WP91, ASTM A815, ASME SA815 UNS No S31803, S32205,S32750, S32950, ASTM B336, ASME SB336, Nikiel 200 (Nas nie. NO2200), Nikiel 201 (Nas nie. N02201), Monel 400 (Nas nie. N04400), Monel 500 (Nas nie. N05500), Niewygod 800 (Nas nie. N08800), Niewygod 825 (Nas nie. N08825), Niewygod 600 (Nas nie. N06600), Niewygod 625 (Nas nie. N06625), Niewygod 601 (Nas nie. N06601), Hastelloy c 276 (Nas nie. N10276), Stop 20 (Nas nie. N08020), Tytan (Klasa I. & Ii), Cupro-Nickel 70/30, CUNI10FE1MN, CUNI30MN1FE.


Typ Spawana (BW) / Bezszwowy / Spawany / Erw / Sfabrykowany
Powłoka / Obróbka powierzchniowa Farba antykorozyjna, Czarna farba olejna, Żółty przezroczysty, Ocynkowane, Cold and Hot Dip Galvanized

Manufacturing Standards of Buttweld Reducing Cross

ASME Standard ASME/ANSI B16.9, ASME/ANSI B16.28, MSS-SP-43
DIN Standard DIN28011, DIN2617, DIN2616, DIN2615, DIN2605
EN Standard EN10253-2, EN10253-1
ASME B16.25 Buttwelding Ends
ASME B16.9 Factory-Made Wrought Fittings Buttwelding
ASME B16.28 Wrought Steel Unequal Cross
ASTM A403 – ASME SA403 Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings
MSS SP-43 Wrought & Fabricated Butt-Welding Fitting for Low Pres

Dimensions of Reducing Cross

Stainless Steel Reducing Cross Stainless Steel Reducing Cross Drawing

Stainless Steel Reducing Cross Stainless Steel Reducing Cross Drawing

Nominal Diameter Średnica zewnętrzna Center to End
D1 D2
DN NPS Series A Series B Series A Series B C M
150×90 6×3.1/2 168.3 101.6 143 127
150×80 6×3 168.3 159 88.9 89 143 124
150×65 6×2.1/2 168.3 159 73.0 76 143 121
200×200 8×8 219.1 219 219.1 219 178 178
200×150 8×6 219.1 219 168.3 159 178 168
200×125 8×5 219.1 219 141.4 133 178 162
200×100 8×4 219.1 219 114.3 108 178 156
200×90 8×3.1/2 219.1 101.6 178 152
250×250 10×10 273.0 273 273.0 273 216 216
250×200 10×8 273.0 273 219.1 219 216 203
250×150 10×6 273.0 273 168.3 159 216 194
250×125 10×5 273.0 273 141.3 133 216 191
250×100 10×4 273.0 273 114.3 108 216 184
300×300 12×12 323.9 325 323.9 325 254 254
300×250 12×10 323.9 325 273.0 273 254 241
300×200 12×8 323.9 325 219.1 219 254 229
300×150 12×6 323.9 325 168.3 159 254 219
300×125 12×5 323.9 325 141.3 133 254 216
350×350 14×14 355.6 377 355.6 377 279 279
350×300 14×12 355.6 377 323.9 325 279 270
350×250 14×10 355.6 377 273.0 273 279 257
350×200 14×8 355.6 377 219.1 219 279 248
350×150 14×6 355.6 377 168.3 159 279 238
400×400 16×16 406.4 426 406.4 426 305 305
400×350 16×14 406.4 426 355.6 377 305 305
400×300 16×12 406.4 426 323.9 325 305 295
400×250 16×10 406.4 426 273.0 273 305 283
400×200 16×8 406.4 426 219.1 219 305 273
400×150 16×6 406.4 426 168.3 159 305 264
450×450 18×18 457 480 457 480 343 343
450×400 18×16 457 480 406.4 426 343 330
450×350 18×14 457 480 355.6 377 343 330
450×300 18×12 457 480 323.9 325 343 321
450×250 18×10 457 480 273.0 273 343 308
15×15 1/2×1/2 21.3 18 21.3 18 25 25
15×10 1/2×3/8 21.3 18 17.3 14 25 25
15×8 1/2×1/4 21.3 18 13.7 10 25 25
20×20 3/4×3/4 26.9 25 26.9 25 29 29
20×15 3/4×1/2 26.9 25 21.3 18 29 29
20×10 3/4×3/8 26.9 25 17.3 14 29 29
25×25 1×1 33.7 32 33.7 32 38 38
25×20 1×3/4 33.7 32 26.9 25 38 38
25×15 1×1/2 33.7 32 21.3 18 38 38
32×32 1.1/4×1.1/4 42.4 38 42.4 38 48 48
32×25 1.1/4×1 42.4 38 33.7 32 48 48
32×20 1.1/4×3/4 42.4 38 26.9 25 48 48
32×15 1.1/4×1/2 42.4 38 21.3 18 48 48
40×40 1.1/2×1.1/2 48.3 45 48.3 45 57 57
40×32 1.1/2×1.1/4 48.3 45 42.4 38 57 57
40×25 1.1/2×1 48.3 45 33.7 32 57 57
40×20 1.1/2×3/4 48.3 45 26.9 25 57 57
40×15 1.1/2×1/2 48.3 45 21.3 18 57 57
50×50 2×2 60.3 57 60.3 57 64 64
50×40 2×1.1/2 60.3 57 48.3 45 64 60
50×32 2×1.1/4 60.3 57 42.4 38 64 57
50×25 2×1 60.3 57 33.7 32 64 51
50×20 2×3/4 60.3 57 26.9 25 64 44
65×65 2/1/2×2.1/2 73.0 76 73.0 76 76 76
65×50 2/1/2×2 73.0 76 60.3 57 76 70
65×40 2/1/2×1.1/2 73.0 76 48.3 45 76 67
65×32 2/1/2×1.1/4 73.0 76 42.4 38 76 64
65×25 2/1/2×1 73.0 76 33.7 32 76 57
80×80 3×3 88.9 89 88.9 89 86 86
80×65 3×2.1/2 88.9 89 73.0 76 86 83
80×50 3×2 88.9 89 60.3 57 86 76
80×40 3×1.1/2 88.9 89 48.3 45 86 73
80×32 3×1.1/4 88.9 89 42.4 38 86 70
90×90 3.1/2×3.1/2 101.6 101.6 95 95
90×80 3.1/2×3 101.6 88.9 89 95 92
90×65 3.1/2×2.1/2 101.6 73.0 76 95 89
90×50 3.1/2×2 101.6 60.3 57 95 83
90×40 3.1/2×1.1/2 101.6 48.3 45 95 79
100×100 4×4 114.3 108 114.3 108 105 105
100×90 4×3.1/2 114.3 108 101.6 105 102
100×80 4×3 114.3 108 88.9 89 105 98
100×65 4×2.1/2 114.3 108 73.0 76 105 95
100×50 4×2 114.3 108 60.3 57 105 89
100×40 4×1.1/2 114.3 108 48.3 45 105 86
125×125 5×5 141.3 133 141.3 133 124 124
125×100 5×4 141.3 133 114.3 108 124 117
125×90 5×3.1/2 141.3 101.6 124 114
125×80 5×3 141.3 133 88.9 89 124 111
125×65 5×2.1.2 141.3 133 73.0 76 124 108
125×50 5×2 141.3 133 60.3 57 124 105
150×150 6×6 168.3 159 168.3 159 143 143
150×125 6×5 168.3 159 141.3 133 143 137
150×100 6×4 168.3 159 114.3 108 143 130
450×200 18×8 457 480 219.1 219 343 298
500×500 20×20 508 530 508 530 381 381
500×450 20×20 508 530 457 480 381 368
500×400 20×20 508 530 406.4 426 381 356
500×350 20×20 508 530 355.6 377 381 356
500×300 20×20 508 530 323.9 325 381 346
500×250 20×20 508 530 273.0 273 381 333
500×200 20×20 508 530 219.1 219 381 324

ASME B16.9 Reducing Cross Dimensional Tolerance

Nominalny rozmiar rury 1/2 to 2½ 3 to 3½ 4 5 Do 8
Średnica zewnętrzna
w Bevel (D)
+ 1.6
– 0.8
1.6 1.6 + 2.4
– 1.6
Inside Diameter at End 0.8 1.6 1.6 1.6
Center to End LR (A/B) 2 2 2 2
Center to End 3D (A/B) 3 3 3 3
Nominalny rozmiar rury 10 Do 18 20 Do 24 26 Do 30 32 Do 48
Średnica zewnętrzna
w Bevel (D)
+ 4
– 3.2
+ 6.4
– 4.8
+ 6.4
– 4.8
+ 6.4
– 4.8
Inside Diameter at End 3.2 4.8 + 6.4
– 4.8
+ 6.4
– 4.8
Center to End LR (A/B) 2 2 3 5
Center to End 3D (A/B) 3 3 6 6
Grubość ściany (T) Not less than 87.5% of Nominal Wall Thickness


ASME B16.9 Buttweld Reducing Cross Weight Chart

Nominal pipe size in Sch 10 Sch 20 Sch 30 Sch 40
wall thk mm weight kg weight kg wall thk mm weight kg weight kg wall thk mm weight kg weight kg wall thk mm weight kg weight kg
1 3.38 0.34
1.1/4 3.68 0.92
1/2 2.77 0.21
3/4 2.87 0.21
1.1/2 3.56 0.63
2 3.91 1.49
2.1/2 5.16 2.68
3 5.49 3.75
3.1/2 5.74 5
4 6.02 6.5
5 6.55 10
6 7.11 16
8 6.35 23 7.04 24.6 8.18 27
10 6.35 34.7 7.8 40 9.27 41
12 6.35 43.4 8.38 56.6 10.31 70.5
14 6.35 68 7.92 84 9.53 102 11.13 105
16 6.35 90.8 7.92 100 9.53 110 12.7 167
18 6.35 93.1 9.53 127 11.13 164 14.27 237.45
20 6.35 112 9.53 168 12.7 245 15.09 320
22 6.35 146 9.53 220 12.7 280
24 6.35 160 12.7 240 14.27 373 17.48 570.65
26 7.92 293.28 12.7 360.2
28 7.92 280.98 12.7 421 15.88 526.25
30 7.92 322.64 12.7 483.1 15.88 603.75
32 7.92 375.23 12.7 559 15.88 698.75 17.48 768.6
34 7.92 482.72 12.7 644.1 15.88 805.13 17.48 885.65
36 7.92 488.3 12.7 730.3 15.88 912.88 19.05 1004.17

ASME B16.9 SS Reducing Cross Angularity Tolerance

Nd Maksymalnie nie pod kątem Maksymalny samolot
1/2 A 4 1 2
5 A 8 2 4
10 A 12 3 5
14 A 16 3 7
18 A 24 4 10
26 A 30 5 10
32 A 42 5 13
44 A 48 5 20


Stainless Steel Buttweld Reducing / Unequal Cross ASTM A403 WP316/316L, ASTM A403 To / A 774 WP-S, WP-W, WP-WX 304/304L, ASTM A182 F316L, 304L, Z 1.4301, DIN1.4306, Z 1.4401, Z 1.4404
Dupleks & Super Duplex Steel Buttweld Reducing / Unequal Cross ASTM A 815, Asme to 815 No S31803, S32205. US S32750, S32950. Materiał nr. 1.4462
Carbon Steel Buttweld Reducing / Unequal Cross ASTM A234, ASME SA234 WPB , WPBW, Wphy 42, Wphy 46, Wphy 52, Wph 60, Wphy 65 & Wphy 70.
Low Temperature Carbon Steel Buttweld Reducing / Unequal Cross ASTM A420 WPL3, A420 WPL6
Alloy Steel Buttweld Reducing / Unequal Cross ASTM / ASME A/SA 234 Gr. WP 1, WP 5, WP 9, WP 11, WP 12, WP 22, WP 91
Nickel Alloy Buttweld Reducing / Unequal Cross ASTM B336, ASME SB336, Nikiel 200 (Nas nie. NO2200), Nikiel 201 (Nas nie. N02201), Monel 400 (Nas nie. N04400), Monel 500 (Nas nie. N05500), Niewygod 800 (Nas nie. N08800), Niewygod 825 (Nas nie. N08825), Niewygod 600 (Nas nie. N06600), Niewygod 625 (Nas nie. N06625), Niewygod 601 (Nas nie. N06601), Hastelloy c 276 (Nas nie. N10276), Stop 20 (Nas nie. N08020), Tytan (Klasa I. & Ii), Cupro-Nickel 70/30, CUNI10FE1MN, CUNI30MN1FE.

Available Types of ASME B16.9 Buttweld Reducing Cross

ANSI B16.9 Buttweld Reducing Cross ASME B16.28 Buttweld Pipe Cross
Welded Butt weld Unequal Cross Seamless Butt weld Unequal Cross
Carbon Steel Reducing Cross High Quality Unequal Cross
ASTM A403 Stainless Steel Unequal Crosss Duplex Steel Buttweld Reducing Cross
Buttweld Unequal Cross Butt Weld Reducing Crosss
ASME B16.9 Butt weld Unequal Cross Steel Reducing Cross Pipe Fittings
Stainless Steel Unequal Cross SS Unequal Crosss
Super Duplex Steel Buttweld Reducing Cross Copper Nickel Unequal Cross
High Nickel Alloy Unequal Cross Hastelloy Pipe Cross
Titanium Buttweld Reducing Cross Inconel Butt weld Reducing Cross

Buttweld Reducing Cross Application

ASME B16.9 Unequal Cross are known to deliver exceptional performance and are generally developed for meeting the demands. We offer a broad range of Buttweld Reducing Cross through a worldwide network of stock-keeping branches. These Unequal Pipe Cross is use in various industries like :

  • Stainless Steel Buttweld Unequal Cross uses in Oil and Gas Pipeline
  • Butt weld Unequal Cross uses in Chemical Industry
  • Alloy Steel Unequal Cross uses in Plumbing
  • Buttweld Pipe Reducing Cross uses in Heating
  • Buttweld Unequal Cross Fittings uses in Water Supply Systems
  • ANSI B16.9 Buttweld Unequal Cross uses in Power Plant
  • Buttweld Unequal Cross Fitting uses in Paper & Pulp Industry
  • Unequal Cross uses in General Purpose Applications
  • Buttweld Reducing Cross uses in Fabrication Industry
  • Unequal Cross uses in Food Processing Industry
  • Buttweld Unequal Cross uses in Structural Pipe




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