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Stainless Steel Eccentric Reducer

Имя:Eccentric Reducer

Размеры:Seamless Reducer ( 1/2″~24″), АКРЕ / Сварной / Fabricated Reducer (1/2″~48″)

Толщина:Schedule 5S, 10С, 20С, С10, С20, С30, СТД, 40С, С40, S60, XS, 80С, S80, С100, С120, С140, С160, XXS и т. д..

Оценки&Материалы:304/Л/В/ЛН, 316/Л/Х/ЛН/Ти, 321/ЧАС, 317/Л/ЛН, 347/ЧАС, 310С/Х, N08904(904л), С31803, С32205, S32750, S32760, N02200, N02201, N04400, N06600, N06690, N06625, N06985(G3), N08028, N08800, N08810, N08811, N08825;Монель, Никель, Инконель, Хасталлой, Титан, Тантал, Нержавеющая сталь, Легированная сталь, Углеродистая сталь, Медно-никелевый сплав 90/10 & 70/30, Нержавеющая сталь ASME / АСТМ СА / А403 СА / А 774 WP-S, WP-W, WP-WX, 304, 304л, 316, 316л, 304/304л, 316/316л, ОТ 1.4301, DIN1.4306, ОТ 1.4401, ОТ 1.4404

Тип:Стыковая сварка (ЧБ) / Бесшовный / Сварной / АКРЕ / Изготовленный

От:Eccentric Reducer, Pipe Reducer, Pipe Eccentric Reducers, Fitting Eccentric Reducers.

Bending Radius :R=1D – 10D, 1.5Д, 2.0Д

Покрытие / Обработка поверхностиАнтикоррозионная краска, Масляная черная краска, Желтый Прозрачный, Оцинкованный, Холодное и горячее цинкование

Connection Type:Buttwelding Fittings

Приложение: Oil Field, Offshore, Water System, Shipbuilding, Natural Gas, Electric Power, Pipe Projects etc.

Номер модели:

лось: Вэньчжоу,Чжэцзян

Стандартный:ANSI – B 16.9, ASTM A403 – ASME SA403 – ‘Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings’, API 590-605, ASME B16.9 – ‘Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings”, ASME B16.25 – ‘Buttwelding Ends’, ASME B16.28 – ‘Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns’, MSS SP-43 – ‘Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications’

Упаковка:Стандартный экспортный пакет


Доставка:Количество согласия

  • Информация о продукте

A stainless steel eccentric reducer is a type of pipe fitting that is used to connect two pipes of different diameters. This type of reducer is called eccentric because the center of the inlet and outlet of the reducer is not aligned. Instead, it is offset, resulting in one side of the reducer being larger than the other.

Stainless steel is a popular material for eccentric reducers because it is durable, corrosion-resistant, and can withstand high pressure and temperature. Stainless steel eccentric reducers are often used in industrial applications where the flow of fluids or gases needs to be controlled or redirected.

The benefits of using a stainless steel eccentric reducer include:

1. Corrosion resistance: Stainless steel is highly resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for use in harsh environments.

2. Durability: Stainless steel is a strong and durable material that can withstand high pressure and temperature, making it a reliable choice for industrial applications.

3. High temperature resistance: Stainless steel can withstand high temperature environments without losing its strength or durability.

4. Hygienic: Stainless steel is easy to clean and maintain, making it a hygienic choice for use in food processing and other sanitary applications.

В итоге, a stainless steel eccentric reducer is a useful pipe fitting that is commonly used in industrial applications. Its durability, resistance to corrosion and high temperature, and hygienic properties make it a reliable choice for controlling the flow of fluids or gases in pipelines.

Buttweld Eccentric Reducer Specifications

Размеры Seamless Pipe Reducing Tee ( 1/2″~24″), АКРЕ / Сварной / Fabricated Pipe Reducing Tee (1/2″~48″)
Стандарты ANSI – B 16.9, ASTM A403 – ASME SA403 – ‘Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings’, API 590-605, ASME B16.9 – ‘Factory-Made Wrought Buttwelding Fittings”, ASME B16.25 – ‘Buttwelding Ends’, ASME B16.28 – ‘Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns’, MSS SP-43 – ‘Wrought and Fabricated Butt-Welding Fittings for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications’
Dimensions АНСИ Б16.9, АНСИ Б16.28, МСС-СП-43 Тип А, МСС-СП-43 Тип Б, ДЖИС Б2312, ДЖИС Б2313
Толщина Schedule 5S, 10С, 20С, С10, С20, С30, СТД, 40С, С40, S60, XS, 80С, S80, С100, С120, С140, С160, XXS и т. д..
Bending Radius R=1D – 10D, 15Д, 20Д
От Eccentric Reducer, Pipe Reducer, Pipe Eccentric Reducers, Fitting Eccentric


Оценки&Материалы 304/Л/В/ЛН, 316/Л/Х/ЛН/Ти, 321/ЧАС, 317/Л/ЛН, 347/ЧАС, 310С/Х, N08904(904л), С31803, С32205, S32750, S32760, N02200, N02201, N04400, N06600, N06690, N06625, N06985(G3), N08028, N08800, N08810, N08811, N08825Поверхность,Монель, Никель, Инконель, Хасталлой, Титан, Тантал, Нержавеющая сталь, Легированная сталь, Углеродистая сталь, Медно-никелевый сплав 90/10 & 70/30, Нержавеющая сталь ASME / АСТМ СА / А403 СА / А 774 WP-S, WP-W, WP-WX, ОТ 1.4301, DIN1.4306, ОТ 1.4401, ОТ 1.4404
Тип Стыковая сварка (ЧБ) / Бесшовный / Сварной / АКРЕ / Изготовленный
Покрытие / Обработка поверхности Антикоррозионная краска, Масляная черная краска, Желтый Прозрачный, Оцинкованный, Холодное и горячее цинкование


Manufacturing Standards of Buttweld Eccentric Reducer

ASME Standard ASME/ANSI B16.9, ASME/ANSI B16.28, MSS-SP-43
DIN Standard DIN28011, DIN2617, DIN2616, DIN2615, DIN2605
EN Standard ЭН10253-2, ЭН10253-1
АСМЭ Б16.25 Buttwelding Ends
ASME B16.9 Factory-Made Wrought Fittings Buttwelding
АСМЭ Б16.28 Wrought Steel Eccentric Reducer
ASTM A403 – ASME SA403 Standard Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping Fitting
МСС СП-43 Wrought & Fabricated Butt-Welding Fitting for Low Pressure, Corrosion Resistant Applications


Stainless Steel Buttweld Eccentric Reducer :

АСТМ А403 WP316/316L, АСТМ А403 СА / А 774 WP-S, WP-W, WP-WX 304/304L, АСТМ А182 Ф316Л, 304л, ОТ 1.4301, DIN1.4306, ОТ 1.4401, ОТ 1.4404

Дуплекс & Super Duplex Steel Eccentric Reducer :

АСТМ А 815, АСМЭ СА 815 США № S31803, S32205. США S32750, S32950. Номер материала. 1.4462

Carbon Steel Buttweld Eccentric Reducer :

АСТМ А234, ASME SA234 WPB , WPBW, WPHY 42, WPHY 46, WPHY 52, ВПХ 60, WPHY 65 & WPHY 70.

Low Temperature Carbon Steel Buttweld Eccentric Reducer : АСТМ А420 ВПЛ3, А420 WPL6

Alloy Steel Buttweld Eccentric Reducer :

АСТМ / АСМЭ А/СА 234 гр. WP 1, WP 5, WP 9, WP 11, WP 12, WP 22, WP 91

Nickel Alloy Buttweld Eccentric Reducer :

АСТМ Б336, АСМЭ СБ336, Никель 200 (США Нет. №2200), Никель 201 (США Нет. N02201), Монель 400 (США Нет. N04400), Монель 500 (США Нет. N05500), Инконель 800 (США Нет. N08800), Инконель 825 (США Нет. N08825), Инконель 600 (США Нет. N06600), Инконель 625 (США Нет. N06625), Инконель 601 (США Нет. N06601), Хастеллой С 276 (США Нет. N10276), Сплав 20 (США Нет. N08020), Титан (I степень & II), Медно-никелевый сплав 70/30, CuNi10Fe1Mn, CuNi30Mn1Fe.

Buttweld Eccentric Reducer Dimensions

Nominal Diameter Наружный диаметр End to End
DN НПС Series A Series B ЧАС
20×15 3/4×1/2 26.9×21.3 25×18 38
20×10 3/4×3/8 26.9×17.3 25×14 38
25×20 1×3/4 33.7×26.9 32×25 51
25×15 1×1/2 33.7×21.3 32×18 51
32×25 1.1/4×1 42.4×33.7 38×32 51
32×20 1.1/4×3/4 42.4×26.9 38×25 51
32×15 1.1/4×1/2 42.4×21.3 38×18 51
40×32 1.1/2×1.1/4 48.3×42.4 45×38 64
40×25 1.1/2×1 48.3×33.7 45×32 64
40×20 1.1/2×3/4 48.3×26.9 45×25 64
40×15 1.1/2×1/2 48.3×21.3 45×18 64
50×40 2×1.1/2 60.3×48.3 57×45 76
50×32 2×1.1/4 60.3×42.4 57×38 76
50×25 2×1 60.3×33.7 57×32 76
50×20 2×3/4 60.3×26.9 57×25 76
65×50 2.1/2×2 73.0×60.3 76×57 89
65×40 2.1/2×1.1/2 73.0×48.3 76×45 89
65×32 2.1/2×1.1/4 73.0×42.4 76×38 89
65×25 2.1/2×1 73.0×33.7 76×32 89
80×65 3×2.1/2 88.9×73.0 89×76 89
80×50 3×2 88.9×60.3 89×57 89
80×40 3×1.1/2 88.9×48.3 89×45 89
80×32 3×1.1/4 88.9×42.4 89×38 89
90×80 3.1/2×3 101.6×88.9 102
90×65 3.1/2×2.1/2 101.6×73.0 102
90×50 3.1/2×2 101.6×60.3 102
90×40 3.1/2×1.1/2 101.6×48.3 102
90×32 3.1/2×1.1/4 101.6×42.4 102
100×90 4×3.1/2 114.3×101.6 102
100×80 4×3 114.3×88.9 108×89 102
100×65 4×2.1/2 114.3×73.0 108×76 102
100×50 4×2 114.3×60.3 108×57 102
100×40 4×1.1/2 114.3×48.3 108×45 102
125×100 5×4 141.3×114.3 133×108 127
125×90 5×3.1/2 141.3×101.6 127
125×80 5×3 141.3×88.9 133×89 127
125×65 5×2.1/2 141.3×73.0 133×76 127
125×50 5×2 141.3×60.3 133×57 127
150×125 6×5 168.3×141.3 159×133 140
150×100 6×5 168.3×114.3 159×108 140
150×90 6×3.1/2 168.3×101.6 140
150×80 6×3 168.3×88.9 159×89 140
150×65 6×2.1/2 168.3×73.0 159×76 140
200×150 8×6 219.1×168.3 219×159 152
200×125 8×5 219.1×141.3 219×133 152
200×100 8×4 219.1×114.3 219×108 152
200×90 8×3.1/2 219.1×101.6 152
250×200 10×8 273.0×219.1 273×219 178
250×150 10×6 273.0×168.3 273×159 178
250×125 10×5 273.0×141.3 273×133 178
250×100 10×4 273.0×114.3 273×108 178
300×250 12×10 323.9×273.1 325×273 203
300×200 12×8 323.9×219.1 325×219 203
300×150 12×6 323.9×168.3 325×159 203
300×125 12×5 323.9×141.3 325×133 203
350×300 14×12 355.6×323.9 377×325 330
350×250 14×10 355.6×273.0 377×273 330
350×200 14×8 355.6×219.1 377×219 330
350×150 14×6 355.6×168.3 377×159 330
400×350 16×14 406.4×355.6 426×377 356
400×300 16×12 406.4×323.9 426×325 356
400×250 16×10 406.4×273.0 426×273 356
400×200 16×8 406.4×219.1 426×219 356
450×400 18×16 457×406.4 478×426 381
450×350 18×14 457×355.6 478×377 381
450×300 18×12 457×323.9 478×325 381
450×250 18×10 457×273.0 478×273 381
500×450 20×18 508×457 529×478 508
500×400 20×16 508×406.4 529×426 508
500×350 20×14 508×355.6 529×377 508
500×300 20×12 508×323.9 529×325 508
550×500 22×20 559×508 508
550×450 22×18 559×457 508
550×400 22×16 559×406.4 508
550×350 22×14 559×355.6 508
600×550 24×22 610×559 508
600×500 24×20 610×508 630×529 508
600×450 24×18 610×457 630×478 508
600×400 24×22 610×406.4 630×426 508
650×600 26×24 660×610 610
650×550 26×22 660×559 610
650×500 26×20 660×508 610
650×450 26×18 660×457 610
700×650 28×26 711×660 610
700×600 28×24 711×610 720×630 610
700×550 28×22 711×559 610
700×500 28×20 711×508 720×530 610
750×700 30×28 762×711 610
750×650 30×26 762×660 610
750×600 30×24 762×610 610
750×550 30×22 762×559 610
800×750 32×30 813×762 610
800×700 32×28 813×711 820×720 610
800×650 32×26 813×660 610
800×600 32×24 813×610 820×630 610
850×800 34×32 864×813 610
850×750 34×30 864×762 610
850×700 34×28 864×711 610
850×650 34×26 864×660 610
900×850 36×34 914×864 610
900×800 36×32 914×813 920×820 610
900×750 36×30 914×762 610
900×700 36×28 914×711 920×720 610
950×900 38×36 965×914 610
950×850 38×34 965×864 610
950×800 38×32 965×813 610
950×750 38×30 965×762 610
1000×950 40×38 1016×965 610
1000×900 40×36 1016×914 1020×920 610
1000×850 40×34 1016×864 610
1000×800 40×32 1016×813 1020×820 610
1050×1000 42×40 1067×1016 610
1050×950 42×38 1067×965 610
1050×900 42×36 1067×914 610
1050×850 42×34 1067×864 610
1100×1050 44×42 1118×1067 610
1100×1000 44×40 1118×1016 1120×1020 610
1100×950 44×38 1118×965 610
1100×900 44×36 1118×914 1220×920 610
1150×1100 46×44 1168×1118 711
1150×1050 46×42 1168×1067 711
1150×1000 46×40 1168×1016 711
1150×950 46×38 1168×965 711
1200×1150 48×46 1220×1168 711
1200×1100 48×44 1220×1118 1220×1120 711
1200×1050 48×42 1220×1067 711
1200×1000 48×40 1220×1016 1220×1020 711

Eccentric Reducer Dimensional Tolerance

Номинальный размер трубы 1/2 к 2.1/2 3 к 3.1/2 4 5 к 8
Наружный диаметр
в Бевеле (Д)
+ 1.6
– 0.8
1.6 1.6 + 2.4
– 1.6
Inside Diameter at End 0.8 1.6 1.6 1.6
Overall Length (ЧАС) 2 2 2 2
Номинальный размер трубы 10 к 18 20 к 24 26 к 30 32 к 48
Наружный диаметр
в Бевеле (Д)
+ 4
– 3.2
+ 6.4
– 4.8
+ 6.4
– 4.8
+ 6.4
– 4.8
Inside Diameter at End 3.2 4.8 + 6.4
– 4.8
+ 6.4
– 4.8
Overall Length (ЧАС) 2 2 5 5
Толщина стены (т) Not less than 87.5% of Nominal Wall Thickness

ASME B16.9 Butt Welding Eccentric Reducer Weight Calculator

Approximate weight of a Butt welding Eccentric Reducer are calculated supported its header length, header size, branch size, branch length, header wall thickness and branch wall thickness. Please note that actual weight of a tee from a particular manufacturer might vary counting on manufacturing methodology. Dimensional standards like ASME B16.9 do not supply weights of butt attachment fittings.

Weight of a Butt Weld Eccentric Reducer as per ASME B16.9 is calculated as per following formula :

0.02466 * С <(D+d)/2 – S> * ЧАС / 1000

W = Weight in Kg

OD1 = Large Size Outside Diameter (мм)

OD2 = Smaller Size Outside Diameter (мм)

t = Wall Thickness (мм)

H = End to End Dimension (мм)

ASME B16.9 Buttweld Eccentric Reducer Weight Chart in KG

4-3 3.38 1.53
4-2.1/2 3.25 1.47
4-2 3 1.36
3.1/2-2.1/2 2.88 1.31
3.1/2-2 2.75 1.25
3.1/2-1.1/2 2.5 1.13
3.1/2-1.1/4 2.4 1.09
4-3.1/2 3.5 1.59
4-1.1/2 2.88 1.31
5-4 6 2.72
5-3.1/2 5.75 2.61
5-3 5.5 2.49
5-2.1/2 5.25 2.38
5-2 5 2.27
6-5 8.5 3.86
6-4 8.25 3.74
6-3.1/2 8.25 3.74
6-3 8 3.63
6-2.1/2 7.25 3.29
8-6 13.2 5.99
8-5 12 5.44
8-4 11 4.99
8-3.1/2 11 4.99
10-8 22 9.98
10-6 21.5 9.75
10-5 21 9.53
10-4 20 9.07
12-10 34 15.42
12-8 32 14.51
12-6 31 14.06
12-5 30 13.61
14-12 60 27.22
14-10 59.2 26.85
14-8 58.5 26.54
14-6 58 26.31
16-14 71 32.21
16-12 70 31.75
16-10 69.5 31.52
16-8 68.5 31.07
18-16 85 38.56
18-14 84 38.1
3/4-1/2 0.17 0.08
3/4-3/8 0.15 0.07
1-3/4 0.4 0.18
1-1/2 0.4 0.18
1.1/4-1 0.5 0.23
1.1/4-3/4 0.4 0.18
1.1/4-1/2 0.4 0.18
1.1/2-1.1/4 0.7 0.32
1.1/2-1 0.62 0.28
1.1/2-3/4 0.54 0.24
1.1/2-1/2 0.5 0.23
2-1.1/2 0.9 0.41
2-1.1/4 0.84 0.38
2-1 0.76 0.34
2-3/4 0.7 0.32
2.1/2-2 1.5 0.68
2.1/2-1.1/2 1.38 0.63
2.1/2-1.1/4 1.25 0.57
2.1/2-1 1.25 0.57
3-2.1/2 2 0.91
3-2 1.8 0.82
3-1.1/2 1.7 0.77
3-1.1/4 1.6 0.73
3.1/2-3 3.15 1.43
18-12 83 37.65
18-10 82 37.19
20-18 125 56.7
20-16 124 56.25
20-14 122 55.34
20-12 120 54.43
22-20 142 64.41
22-18 138 62.6
22-16 131 59.42
22-14 123 55.79
24-20 150 68.04
24-18 148 67.13
24-16 145 65.77
30-26 232 105.23
30-24 224 101.6
30-22 220 99.79
30-20 220 99.79
26-24 207 93.89
26-22 200 90.72
26-20 190 86.18
26-18 182 82.55
28-26 224 101.6
28-24 216 97.98
28-22 210 95.25
28-20 199 90.26
30-28 241 109.32

Eccentric Reducer Angularity Tolerance

без даты Максимальный угол отклонения Макс с самолета
вопрос П
1/2 а 4 1 2
5 а 8 2 4
10 а 12 3 5
14 а 16 3 7
18 а 24 4 10
26 а 30 5 10
32 а 42 5 13
44 а 48 5 20

ASME B16.9 Buttweld Eccentric Reducer Available Types

Buttweld Eccentric Reducer Butt Weld Pipe Reducers
ASME B16.9 Butt weld Eccentric Reducer Steel Reducer Pipe Fittings
Stainless Steel Eccentric Reducer Suppliers SS Eccentric Reducers
ANSI B16.9 Buttweld Eccentric Reducer Dealer ASME B16.28 Buttweld Eccentric Pipe Reducer Exporter
Welded Butt weld Eccentric Reducer Stockholder Seamless Butt weld Eccentric Reducer Distributors
Carbon Steel Eccentric Reducer High Quality Eccentric Reducer Manufacturer
ASTM A403 Stainless Steel Eccentric Reducers Duplex Steel Buttweld Eccentric Reducer
Super Duplex Steel Buttweld Eccentric Reducer Copper Nickel Eccentric Reducer
High Nickel Alloy Eccentric Reducer Hastelloy Eccentric Reducer Stockist
Titanium Buttweld Eccentric Reducer Inconel Butt weld Eccentric Reducer

Butt weld Eccentric Reducer Application Industries

  • Refineries
  • Переработка пищевых продуктов & Dairy
  • Oil and Gas Industry
  • Морские нефтедобывающие компании
  • Фармацевтическое оборудование
  • Целлюлоза & Бумажная промышленность
  • Производство электроэнергии
  • Специальные химикаты
  • Оборудование для морской воды
  • Переработка газа
  • Химическое оборудование
  • Теплообменники
  • Нефтехимия
  • Фармацевтика
  • Конденсаторы



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